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  • : Dans ce temps difficile ou l’emploi se fait rare et la concurrence nombreuse ce blog se veut être un laboratoire d’idées pour ‘SE FAIRE RECRUTER AUTREMENT’. Comment attirer l’attention des recruteurs sur soi? Comment se démarquer des autres candidats? Cependant ce blog s’adresse également aux recruteurs avides de nouvelles pratiques et des candidats innovants, leur avis nous sera très précieux dans le but de définir un code de bonnes pratiques pour ces démarches novatrices.
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  • Gisela BONNAUD
  • Gisela BONNAUD
Strategic #HR BP Specialist #Recruiting #TalentAcquisition #TalentManagement #Mobility #Career #TLD #D&I #HRIS #Lean #Change #Management #Leadership
  • Gisela BONNAUD Strategic #HR BP Specialist #Recruiting #TalentAcquisition #TalentManagement #Mobility #Career #TLD #D&I #HRIS #Lean #Change #Management #Leadership


9 janvier 2016 6 09 /01 /janvier /2016 21:05
Top 15 qualities of a great recruiter !

Are you already a recruiter but would like to know if you meet all the requirements? Would you like to work as a Recruiter? 
Do you want to know what the top 15 qualities of a great recruiter are?

Then don’t miss to read this blog post !

Listening Skills: 
For a Recruitment Consultant it is important to be a great listener. Only if you listen carefully and thoroughly to both, the jobseeker and the client, you will be able to understand what their needs are. The more you listen to them, the more you will find out. The more you ask them, the more you will know. So, the better you know what the client and jobseeker are looking for, the easier it will be to find the perfect match. This will allow you to make better decisions and find the perfect match over and over again.  

You need to be confident not just about yourself but also about the services you offer to your clients, companies as well as jobseekers. 

Marketing Skills: 
Knowing how to market and promote your services, expertise and knowledge effectively to clients and candidates is of utmost importance. If you have lots of candidates on your database but are not able to convince a company to hire any of them you will not close any deals. Your convincing, negotiation and selling skills are therefore crucial. No clients, no business - as simple as that.


The recruitment industry is particularly competitive and target-driven therefore it is essential that the recruiter can handle pressure very well, is target-oriented, ambitious and hungry for results. Recruitment agencies usually offer basic salaries and additional performance-related payments, also called OTE - on target earnings. If you are not a target driven person you should seriously reconsider whether this is the right job for you. 

Relationship building skills: 

A recruiter works in the “people business” and deals with a variety of different people on a daily basis. This person has to be a good connector, who loves to meet new people and knows how to use every opportunity to network and  to turn it into business results. Having great relationship building skills with all people involved in the process is therefore crucial. It will allow you to build trust and attract clients as well as jobseekers more easily. Once you gained their trust and they notice that you work professionally, effectively and reliably, they will come back again and again without looking any further. It will also save you time because you can focus on your existing clients rather than having to chase constantly new ones. Also don’t underestimate the good relationship you have built with your jobseekers. If they are happy with the job you were able to find for them, they will recommend you to their friends and family too, should they ever need a job in the future. 

Communication Skills:
Working in the “human resource” business requires from a recruiter to be a great communicator, no matter whether face to face, on the phone or via email. If things don’t turn out positively for a jobseeker than being straightforward is not always the right strategy in this case. You can’t tell a jobseeker “Your background and experiences don’t match our needs right now” or “You are a great candidate but unfortunately you just came at the wrong time.” There are situations in which a recruiter needs to prove that s/he is tactful, considerate and gracious in order to maintain a good corporate  as well as personal reputation. 

Since you deal with companies and candidates on a daily basis you will need to juggle multiple projects and tasks simultaneously. Keeping in mind the details of various jobs, companies and candidates is important in order to work efficiently as well as effectively. 

Time Management Skills:
Having great time management skills is essential because certain positions need to be filled urgently and getting your priorities right is paramount.  

Sometimes you will need to be very flexible and patient because candidates or clients might want to reschedule their interview dates in the last minute. 

Companies and jobseekers don’t just rely on one source for filling their positions or finding a job but multiple sources. Who acts quickly will therefore win in the end. The worst that can happen is that in the last minute a company might tell you that they already found a candidate or the candidate already found a job in another organisation. Thus, it’s not size that nowadays matters but speed. 

IT and Social Media Skills:
Nowadays also being familiar with various social media recruitment strategies and IT technologies will give any recruiter an edge and proves that you are a professional who keeps up with current trends and technologies. 

Body Language Skills:
Being able to interpret other peoples’ body language can be very beneficial because you will understand quicker how people feel and what they think without them telling you. 

Problem solving skills: 
You need to be a good problem solver because you might face situations which you never thought would come along the way. For example, people not turning up to their interviews, companies telling you that they already found another candidate, not finding any candidates for a certain position for a long time, etc.

If you want to be perceived as a trustworthy professional you need to be reliable when it comes to punctuality, offering the services you promised within a certain timeframe etc. If you can’t keep up with small things nobody will trust you and offer you bigger challenges in the future.  

Team working Skills:

Sometimes you need to lead a team of other recruitment consultants or you need to work in a team in order to find the best candidate for a high calibre company. Knowing how to manage people in order to achieve a set goal is important; good communication between all team members will guarantee that misunderstandings and inefficiencies will be avoided. 

Source :


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5 juin 2014 4 05 /06 /juin /2014 17:51

Pour réussir un entretien d’embauche, il est important d’être sincère et naturel. Mais attention, cela ne signifie pas qu’il faut dire tout ce qu’on pense.

Contrairement à ce qu'on peut lire ici ou là, un bon recruteur peut tout à fait comprendre des erreurs de parcours, des trous dans votre CV (à condition que ceux-ci ne soient pas excessifs tout de même) ne serait-ce que parce que le candidat "parfait "n'existe pas, … le recruteur parfait, non plus.

Par contre on perdra confiance en vous si vous donnez le sentiment de vouloir cacher des choses. Il vaut mieux savoir parler de ses erreurs et de ses lacunes, ne serait-ce que parce qu'on s'est préparé à en parler. Le recruteur de toute façon mettra le doigt sur certaines parties de votre face cachée et d'autre part ne croira jamais que vous n'en avez pas au moins une.

Le site Topito a réalisé une vidéo sur l'entretien d'embauche version honnête  : 10 questions classiques de l’entretien à laquelle répondent 2 candidats en version « ON » et en version « OFF ». 


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1 août 2011 1 01 /08 /août /2011 22:07

Inédit !

Une vidéo très intéressante réalisée par Pascale Fournier. Merci Pascale pour l'avant première de cette vidéo sur un sujet d'actualité traitant des difficultés spécifiques des femmes seniors en recherche d'emploi.


Jusqu'où peut aller une femme senior au chômage sombrant dans la déprime face au marché de l'emploi ?

Voici un petit film humoristique et satirique pour illustrer la discrimination et le sexisme ordinaire d'un entretien d'embauche dans une PME.


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5 juin 2011 7 05 /06 /juin /2011 18:29

Comme quoi les recruteurs qui ne prennent pas le temps de regarder le CV et de vérifier les compétences des candidats peuvent s’en mordre les doigts  :)))


Belle leçon de nos amis belges



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24 mai 2011 2 24 /05 /mai /2011 22:12

Dans l'émission « On revient vers vous » diffusée sur Cadremploi.fr, David Abiker rencontre l'écrivain, réalisateur et metteur en scène Marc Dugain. Il a laissé derrière lui sa vie de PDG pour devenir romancier. Il revient sur «les rapports de pouvoir» à l'œuvre dans un entretien de recrutement.


Marc Dugain : le recrutement c'est violent par Cadremploi


L'ancien cadre financier révèle aussi n'avoir jamais supporté la réunionite où rien ne se décide. Une pratique qui a souvent cours dans les entreprises françaises. Il parle des choses importantes sur le recrutement, la vie des entreprises et des salariés. Il raconte qu'en entretien il appréciait les candidats qui se souciaient du contexte, de l'environnement. Il s'attarde sur ceux qui ont du mal à quitter le bureau avant une certaine heure et sur ceux qui passent trop de temps en réunion. Il est aussi revenu sur ces conversations vides de sens avec les collègues ou encore sur le malaise français dans certaines entreprises.

Source : Le Figaro

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